How a Cryptic Group Got Us a Crypto Present

The surprising story below ends our daily blogging in 2021 — and the first 10 years of the Gorilla Highlands Initiative. See you in 2022, and in the meantime better not miss the SEE AFRICA BREATHE AFRICA podcast!

At a glance, the email was kinda scary.

If you didn’t read carefully enough, it looked like one of those extortion emails you may have received — an anonymous hacker is giving you a short period of time to pay something in cryptocurrency, or else.

But there was a twist. A rather significant one.

These secretive people were granting us a couple of days to meet their conditions and then they would pay us something in cryptocurrency, or else.


This is how we got to know about Gorilla Inu, a social currency for global communities!

And today, exactly a decade after the Gorilla Highlands Initiative was officially launched, we received 1.249 Ethereum (roughly USD 5,000) from them. Quite a birthday present!

While we are 10 years old, they are merely 2 months old. They created a global currency on a whim, as a test, and it proved so successful that ours is already the second monthly donation they’ve sent out — in November it went to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.

They want to keep sending money to gorilla organisations and, you know what, we are going to help them!

… We have learned enough about them in the meantime to trust their intentions. They have committed 1% of their market cap (the total amount of their currency in circulation) to protecting gorillas, and they want to do it the smart way.

… We have always been about new technologies, so dipping our toes into the growing sea of cryptocurrencies makes sense.

… We probably know each and every person that matters in the broad field of gorilla conservation in our three countries, therefore we can help direct donations to worthy endeavours.

All in all, our first 10 years have been quite a ride, and our collaboration with Gorilla Inu promises even more exciting days ahead.

Stay tuned!
