Congo Nile Trail — Hooray, Out of the Way!
For me, 2021 has been a period of getting things out of the way. Primarily among them: the terabytes of video footage that had been waiting on dozens of disks.
The original idea was to convert most of this material into video In-Sights, but those productions weren’t met with sufficient enthusiasm to warrant the excessive toil. No other medium is as time-consuming as video, and it wasn’t just me involved. My daily buddy Jon had to record a lot of narration options to satisfy my perfectionist standards.
Compared to video editing, making podcasts is a breeze. Suddenly you are left with only one element, the sound, and that is profoundly relaxing. I should probably be changing all self-descriptions from “videographer” to “podcaster” in fact …
But sometimes a podcast calls for a video to support it. The Congo Nile Trail & Staring at the Muzungu episode was like that. And this little Congo Nile Trail story had long been bothering me, left unfinished in LumaFusion (the deservingly award-winning app I edit videos and podcasts with, with a white pencil in my hand). Seriously, the cycling part was recorded back in 2017!
I must thank our experts for the Congo Nile Trail (see our main page about it here), Cesar and Oliver, for introducing me to this amazing adventure and for featuring abundantly in the video. The third Rwandan guide we are showcasing is Rukundo from Lake Burera. From our Ugandan team, we simply have to mention our elderly statesman Tom, recorded on his Lake Bunyonyi island.