Bringing Africa Closer to You

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been quietly building the Gorilla Highlands Experts Daily Dose blog since 1 February 2021, and a month later we feel that we are ready to go public.

This Daily Dose will be the freely available part of our responsible travel membership service, and the unified blogging place for everything that has to do with the Gorilla Highlands. At this moment you can still find the Local Experiences Blog and extensive old archives but over time all those posts will — in a refreshed from — end up here.

Our main intention with this blog will be to introduce the natural and cultural wealth of the region shared by Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo. We want to do it in an entertaining and relaxing way, be your refuge in these strange pandemic times.

It so happens that in 2021 we are celebrating 20 years of the mother organisation, Edirisa, and 10 years of the Gorilla Highlands initiative… This means some necessary content to appreciate and engage all the hundreds of our veteran helpers. But if you are a newbie, do not worry: we will be primarily devoted to you, and we welcome you to the fold.

photo from atop Mt Bisoke by Marcus Westberg


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